This blogs is an academic exercise part of the Organisations & Cultures' course at the International Business Department at Universidad EAFIT
Sunday, March 6, 2011
In organization, especially in internation organization, the leaders need to awake to the cross cultural environments because the characteristics of the organization. Since the organization's component are people which have different standards, ethics, perceptions, and so forth, for the well being of the organization the leaders are forced to be a unbaised managers.
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As I posted before, the employees are most important to control the corporation to act ethical. They demand the ethical behavior by some ways; softly they can propose some ethical decision or make break to persuade the corporation in hard way.
1. What does the statement "all capitalism is crony capitalism" is referring to? Do you agree with this statement or not? Give an example.
"all capitalism is crony capitalism" is referring to the relationship between a corporation which want to get a exclusive information and media which has the information or government.
I agree with the statement, as I know asian countries like Korea, Japan, India.. have some companies which got advantage for he distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, and so forth. These companies did robbies to the government officers and politicions for taking the advantages and now days they also do the same thing with media which is most powerfull these days. For example, some tv channel only broadcast movies or musics and these channels are suported by a corporation and the TV channels make program which usally has effect to make viewers think positive to the corporations.
2. What is a Banana Republic? Why the author is comparing India with a Banana Republic?
Banana republic is a pejorative term that refers to a politically unstable country dependent upon limited agriculture, and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, corrupt politico-economic plutocracy. the author compared india with banana republic because India has high level of corruption, and some negative aspects which is common with banana republic.
3. Why is it problematic that in the business world "The Media" becomes a corporation?
The media are more like public sector so as I mentioned before if a corporation which only concern about profits rule the media, it would problematic because they only focus on the use of the media for make people manipulated by corporation.
4. In this situation, what behaviors are considered unethical for corporations, journalist and the state?
The corporation did unethical behavior by buying the officers of the state and journalist lost thier role by forgeting ther honesty and finally the state corrupted.
5. What can Media, Corporations and the States do in order to behave ethically and in the benefit of the people and not their own interest. Give at least 5 good ideas.
The media need to be keep away from the private sector
People check the media for their own job
Corporations act as a long-term entity
States make strong law for corruption
Make the values for nomal people.
MNC or MNE is a corporation or a enterpise which manages production or delivers services in more then one country. Also MNC has its management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operates in several other countries, known as host countries.
1. How can we ensure corporations are held accountable for their actions "legally" and "ethically"?
Considering the reality, we really can not easily ensure accountable actions of corporations. Some of MNC 's annnual sales might exceed the GDP of a small country, so an MNC's influence derives more from the firm's substantive connection to a particular nationa's economy in terms of local production. In this situation, a government could not actually get excess to control the corporations to be legal and ethical. If the government can not regulate MNC, who can do it? It would be employees as themselves or the consumers.
2. Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? If so, on what degree?
I believe that the indiciduals shoud be responsible for the actions of a corporation. It is because, as we saw in the movie, a corporation does not have feeling other and mercy. He only concern about profits. So the directors, emplotees, and shareholders should bear in mind the responsibility. On what degree? It would be controversal but i would say they need to care about the decision which they make during their working.3. What are the benefits of the corporate form? Could an alternative model offer them as well?
They can be treated by same way of real person because they are taken as a leagal person if they are corporation. Other one would be stronger negotiation power and get a more efficient way to make profits. I do not think there are some alternative models for corporation, corporation is corporation. It would be changed to other terms but the core concept will be same because it is came by the people who want to make more money.4. Search for a foreign multinational corporation that has operations in Colombia. Research if they are run under Colombian rules or regulations or if they have special regulations?
Mcdonald's. It is effected by the colombian tex laws.
(sorry I do not really know where I can find the information..)
5. Should economic efficiency (main argument for privatization) be primary concern for common and public services? Are there other criteria to determine who should own or operate them?
In these days, the economic efficiency is the primary concern for many place. And as we can see in the real life, it works. But i think the public sector is exception of the rule, as we saw in the movie if we only concern about economic efficiency, public sector would taken by private companies. It would be very big problem because the company only concern about money. For example, think about the water service, if the water sector is owned by private company, they do not make pipe for the people who live in mountin due to the efficiency. Everyone knows without water, it is impossible to survive. So for the pulic sector, the primary concern need to be fairness and it is only possible with government.
The factors that motivate an individual keep changing as one climbs the ladder of age and maturity. And also, achievement of one goal sets the ball rolling for another one to be achieved. Thus, to be motivated is a constant need. There are times when one faces a period of de-motivation and everything seems bleak. It is then that they need to find what would motivate them back into action.
There are two different types of motivation; internal needs and external incentives. Maslow's needs hiearchy, ERG theory, and Theoty X and Y are efforts to try to find some relationship between thoese two types.
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According to business dictionary, attitudes are the predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward certain idea, object, person, or situation and it influences an individual’s choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives and rewards. Affective, Cognitive, Conative, and Evaluative are components of attitudes.
Values are defined by enduring beliefs about socially or personally preferable conduct or end state of existence (Rokeach, 1973). In other words, values are general beliefs about right or wrong, forming a basis of ethical behavior. There are two different types of values; instrumental values and terminal values.
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Because of the diversity of the personalities, In the international working place, the abillity to understand different types of personal characteristic is a big advantage to managers. As I blogged previously, cultural diversity comes to diversity of perception and it make better work performance. Every single person has different manner to react the situation they have. This manner is characterized by their special personalities, manager need to be unbiased to other workforce depend on his culture and standards.
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
National and organizational
There is difference depend on concept of international management and of cross cultural management. International management is defined as the generation and transfer of knowledge across initial settings, organizations, and countries. The cross cultural management is defined as development and application of knowledge about cultures in practice of international management.
The core assumption of cross cultural management is that manager can not expect to workforce of other culture into his own cultural norms. Cultural diversity in a group work provides chance of synergy. Diverse group would be less successful in the beginning of the work milestone but eventually outperformed the homogeneous groups.
How does national culture can influence corporative culture?
An international corporation is combined by workforce who has different national culture. So we can easily assume that the corporation can be influenced by the national culture.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Organizational behavior
In organizations, we can find the organizational behavior is individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations. And in the study of organizational behavior the organizational variables are also important.
There is two way to understand human behavior; internal perspective and external perspective. Internal perspective is the understanding with how the people think and feel. The other one is with the surrounding external events and environmental forces.
Organizational behavior is influenced by many other studies; psychology, sociology, engineering, anthropology, management, and medicine have each contributed to understanding of human behavior. .
Like human behavior, two different perspectives offer complementary explanations of organizations. Organizations are open systems of interacting components, which are people, tasks, technology, and structure, which interact with elements in the organization’s environment. .
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