Sunday, May 15, 2011

Religion and international business

Religion and international business

Religion can create networks of trust and familiarity that facilitates economic transactions. Can you name other positive aspects of this relationship?

Since Max Webers protestant work ethics, there have been many studies about relationship between religion and business aspects. Countries that tend to have higher percentages of their population that believe in hell also tend to be less corrupt. These correlations are quite strong. Although they do not provide evidence that one causes the other, they are nonetheless consistent with the Barro and McCleary result that religious beliefs can influence economic outcomes.


Managing diversity


You work within a company specialized in high-tech devices that is going to enter a new market based in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

1. Design the company's diversity policy towards employees, customers and Suppliers.

All our policy is based on diversity, so when we gather new employees, then they would be from different countries not only from our new target market and also it also apply to race and gender. We are going to Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam without preference. We make different customer approaches which are developed by our multicultural workers. Suppliers are also needed to be diverse from different place.

2. Describe the activities that the firm does as part of commitment to their communities programs.

Our company does a diversity day for understanding within our coworkers. That day every single person brings some food and they present their culture and share their unique background. Also we have committees for women and minorities.

3. Write a classified ad for new recruits that support the company's commitment to diversity.

Spread yourself!

We are a company specialized in high-tech devices that is going to enter a new market based in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. We are a multicultural enterprise which value difference between our workers. Come to our company and feel it and spread!
